| CC 1. | Waive further reading of any proposed ordinance. (This permits reading the title only in lieu of reciting the entire text.)
CC 2. | Approve the City Council/Successor Agency/Financing/Power/California Choice Energy Authority Regular Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2023.
| CC 3. | Check Registers – August 13, 2023, through August 26, 2023.
Approve the Check and Wire Registers for August 13, 2023, through August 26, 2023, in the amount of $28,747,541.62 as presented.
At each regular City Council Meeting, the City Council is presented with a check and ACH/wire registers listing the financial claims (invoices) against the City for the purchase of materials, supplies, services, and capital projects issued the prior three to four weeks. This process allows the City Council to review the City's expenditures. Claims are paid via checks, Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments, or federal wires. The justifying backup information for each expenditure is available in the Finance Department.
| CC 4. | Tax Sharing Resolution for Proposed Annexation No. 14-444 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
1. Adopt the Tax Sharing Resolution for proposed Annexation No. 14-444 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
2. Direct the City Clerk to route three copies of the tax share resolution to the City Attorney and the Mayor for wet signatures.
The property owners have requested, in writing, annexation of property (Annexation No. 14-444) into the County Sanitation District No. 14 (District) in order to receive off-site disposal of sewage. The annexation process requires that a resolution for property tax revenue exchange be adopted by all the affected local agencies before an annexation may be approved. For any jurisdictional change which will result in a special district providing new service not previously provided to an area, the law requires the governing bodies of all local agencies that receive an apportionment of the property tax from the area to determine by resolution the amount of the annual tax increment to be transferred to the special district (Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99.01).
| CC 5. | Tax Sharing Resolution for Proposed Annexation No. 14-443 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
1. Adopt the Tax Sharing Resolution for proposed Annexation No. 14-443 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
2. Direct the City Clerk to route three copies of the tax share resolution to the City Attorney and the Mayor for wet signatures.
The property owners have requested, in writing, annexation of property (Annexation No. 14-443) into the County Sanitation District No. 14 (District) in order to receive off-site disposal of sewage. The annexation process requires that a resolution for property tax revenue exchange be adopted by all the affected local agencies before an annexation may be approved. For any jurisdictional change which will result in a special district providing new service not previously provided to an area, the law requires the governing bodies of all local agencies that receive an apportionment of the property tax from the area to determine by resolution the amount of the annual tax increment to be transferred to the special district (Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99.01).
| CC 6. | Tax Sharing Resolution for Proposed Annexation No. 14-442 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
1. Adopt the Tax Sharing Resolution for proposed Annexation No. 14-442 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
2. Direct the City Clerk to route three copies of the tax share resolution to the City Attorney and the Mayor for wet signatures.
The property owners have requested, in writing, annexation of property (Annexation No. 14-442) into the County Sanitation District No. 14 (District) in order to receive off-site disposal of sewage. The annexation process requires that a resolution for property tax revenue exchange be adopted by all the affected local agencies before an annexation may be approved. For any jurisdictional change which will result in a special district providing new service not previously provided to an area, the law requires the governing bodies of all local agencies that receive an apportionment of the property tax from the area to determine by resolution the amount of the annual tax increment to be transferred to the special district (Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99.01).
| CC 7. | Tax Sharing Resolution for Proposed Annexation No. 14-439 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
1. Adopt the Tax Sharing Resolution for proposed Annexation No. 14-439 into Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 14
2. Direct the City Clerk to route three copies of the tax share resolution to the City Attorney and the Mayor for wet signatures.
The property owners have requested, in writing, annexation of property (Annexation No. 14-439) into the County Sanitation District No. 14 (District) in order to receive off-site disposal of sewage. The annexation process requires that a resolution for property tax revenue exchange be adopted by all the affected local agencies before an annexation may be approved. For any jurisdictional change which will result in a special district providing new service not previously provided to an area, the law requires the governing bodies of all local agencies that receive an apportionment of the property tax from the area to determine by resolution the amount of the annual tax increment to be transferred to the special district (Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99.01).
| CC 8. | Approval of the purchase of 53 Portable and 10 Mobile Motorola Radios
Approve the purchase of 53 Portable and 10 Mobile Motorola Radios from BearCom / Motorola Solutions using the Los Angeles County contract number 18105, MA-IS2240228.
The City of Lancaster needs the ability for a number of the City Staff the ability to communicate with the Los Angeles Sheriff Department using the Sheriff’s radio system operated by Los Angeles County. This radio communication allows for staff to work seamlessly with the Sheriff and provide better safety services to the City’s residents.
| CC 9. | Fleet Program Single Vendor Expenditure Authority Increase
1. Increase the single vendor expenditure authority for the City Manager, or his designee, to an amount not to exceed the budgeted amount for the fleet fund capital asset new and replacement accounts (Account Nos. 111-44000-6201, 101-44000-6201, and 111-44000-8200), as the same may be amended by the Council from time to time, through the end of Fiscal Year 2023-2024, and require the City Manager to report purchases in excess of purchasing authority to the City Council in writing within thirty (30) days of the expenditure.
2. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to sign all documents.
U.S. vehicle and equipment inventory are at their lowest since the global financial crisis of the late 2000s. The shortage of microchips and the constantly changing price of materials means the final sales price of a vehicle could adjust daily. Supply chain disruptions and increased demand have significantly reduced dealer inventory over the past year. The Maintenance Services Division is proposing to increase the City Manager’s expenditure authority with single vendors regarding vehicle and equipment purchases. All of these factors contribute to fleet shortages and difficulty obtaining vehicles and equipment for City operational needs. The new expenditure authority will match the approved fleet funds capital asset budget. This would streamline the vehicle purchasing process, and stay compliant with procurement guidelines outlined in the City's purchasing policy. Maintenance Services staff will continue to use the purchasing-approved procurement methods of quotes, cooperative agreements, or solicitations to select the vendor providing the best value for each purchase. Maintenance Services would then work with the successful vendor to finalize the purchase.
| CC 10. | Approval of the East Side Overlay
Adopt Ordinance No. 1105, amending Section 17.20.760, 17.20.770, 17.20.780, 17.20.790, 17.20.800, 17.20.810 and 17.20.820 of the Zoning Ordinance (Title 17 of Lancaster Municipal Code), to establish the East Side Overlay with the modification to move the western boundary of the East Side Overlay to 60th Street East.
On August 22, 2023, City Council held a public meeting to discuss the East Side Overlay. During that meeting several residents expressed concerns about the boundaries of the overlay and requested that the boundary shift further east. In response to residents’ concerns, City Council ultimately moved the East Side Overlay boundary from 40th Street East to 60th Street East.
| CC 11. | 2023 Ford Super Duty F-550 Graffiti Truck
Approve the purchase of one (1) 2023 Ford Super Duty F-550 SuperCab Roadline Products, Inc., U.S.A GPMT Graffiti Truck, utilizing the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Contract awarded to National Auto Fleet Group.
National Auto Fleet Group was awarded contract number 091521-NAF by Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing (formerly National Joint Powers Alliance). Bid documents meet all State and City requirements for competitive procurement. The City could not make this purchase locally, as no Lancaster business sells trucks of this size. This purchase will replace an existing 2005 Ford F450 graffiti truck (EQ 3763) used for graffiti removal. The existing vehicle has reached the end of its useful operating life, and will be auctioned via an approved City program. The revenues from this auction will fund future fleet replacements.
| CC 12. | Amendment to Disposition and Development Agreement with Verdant Lancaster, LLC
1. Approve a First Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement with Verdant Lancaster, LLC for the sale and subsequent development of two additional commercial parcels located in the Front Row Center Area.
2. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to negotiate, finalize, and execute (i) a First Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement in a form to be approved by the City Attorney; and (ii) all documents necessary or appropriate to complete the transaction.
The existing DDA encompasses 29.58 acres, for which Verdant has created a master plan that includes more than 600 units of market-rate and affordable residential units, two select-service hotels, and supporting retail uses. Verdant has met all milestones established in the DDA’s schedule of performance to date, and has exceeded staff expectations in the quality of the proposed development upon submittal for development review. Verdant is now seeking to expand their master plan onto two additional parcels totaling 6.92 acres, which are located adjacent to the existing project site.
| CC 13. | Award of Project – Slow Streets Temporary Signing and Striping: Fern Avenue, Lowtree Avenue, and Loneoak Avenue
Award Slow Streets Temporary Signing and Striping: Fern Avenue, Lowtree Avenue, and Loneoak Avenue to Cal-Stripe, Inc., of the City of Colton, California, in the amount of $132,873.50, base quote, plus a 15% contingency, to install temporary signing and striping on three road segments.
In September 2021, the City applied to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority (LACMTA) to participate in their Open Streets Grant program. The application proposed a hybrid event that will combine all of the great things a traditional Open Streets event has to offer through a one-day Lancaster Walk N Roll Fest in the middle of an entire month where a targeted network of Slow Streets Neighborhoods surrounding the route is created to both teach vehicle users to slow down and encourage the use of sustainable transportation. Utilizing the City’s 2023-2026 Multi-Year Professional Services Agreement, staff issued a task order with STC Traffic, Inc. for the engineering of alternative traffic calming applications for road segments within the Slow Streets Neighborhoods. Through this process, it was determined that the best road segments for this purpose are Fern, Lowtree, and Loneoak Avenues.
| CC 14. | Finance and IT Annual Supply and Service Agreements FY2024
1. City Council award contract renewals, not to exceed 2,730,100.00 dollars for the Annual Supply and Service Agreements to various vendors/suppliers for the FY2024 per the Adopted Budget approved on June 27, 2023.
2. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to sign all documents associated with the agreement.
The Finance and IT Department has various supply and service agreements for annual operations and maintenance needs for FY2024. These annual supply agreements include desktop computers, laptops, and computer and server peripherals. Examples of service agreements include hardware and software maintenance, copier leases and maintenance, professional services, etc. The suppliers and service providers are vital to city staff's daily tasks and responsibilities to conduct their operations efficiently and fiscally responsibly throughout the fiscal year.
| CC 15. | Authorization to Apply for the Strategic Growth Council’s Community Resilience Center Grant
1. Adopt Resolution No. 23-57, authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to apply for and accept, if awarded, Strategic Growth Council’s Community Resilience Center Grant.
2. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all related documents for submission of the application.
3. Authorize the appropriation of the grant funds, if awarded, to an account to be created by Finance for expenditure in accordance with the grant guidelines.
The Community Resilience Center (CRC) Round 1 grant is administered by the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) in partnership with the California Department of Conservation. Planning Grants will fund communities in the initial stages of CRC Project development that need funds for plan development, community engagement, coordination, and other future activities necessary to prepare for implementation. The goal of the neighborhood-level Community Resilience Centers is to provide shelter and resources during climate and other emergencies, such as extreme heat events and poor air quality days. SGC will prioritize community-serving locations across the state, such as schools, libraries, community centers, health clinics, and places of worship.
| CC 16. | Acceptance of Work for Formal Bid No. 729-20 City Hall Renovation and Modernization
Accept the work constructed by Bowe Contractors for Formal Bid No. 729-20 City Hall Renovation and Modernization and direct the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion for the project. Retention on this project shall be disbursed in accordance with California Contract Code.
On June 22, 2021, City council awarded Formal Bid No. 729-20 City Hall Renovation and Modernization. This project was funded as part of a Lease Revenue Bond for Facility Modernization and Beautification issued in 2018.
| CC 17. | Lancaster Energy – 2022 Power Content Label and Attestation.
Provide the attestation specified under California’s Power Source Disclosure (PSD) Program, which requires the governing council of a public agency providing retail electric service to endorse the accuracy of each annual report and power content label submitted to the California Energy Commission for the previous year. In the case of Lancaster Energy (LE), such attestations will be based on the California Choice Energy Authority’s (CalChoice) technical review and will address the 2022 Annual Reports and Power Content Labels (PCL) prepared for the LE community choice aggregation (CCA) program.
The PCL is analogous to a nutrition label, conveying information regarding the various power sources/products procured on behalf of each retail electricity customer. California’s retail electricity sellers, including LE, will each have unique PCLs based on internally adopted procurement policies, statutory procurement mandates, and related power purchases completed during the reporting year.
| CC 18. | Updated Purchase Order – Parron Hall Furniture City Hall Renovation and Modernization: Request for 10% Contingency Increase
Approve an updated Furniture Purchase Order with Parron Hall for the City Hall Renovation and Modernization to include an increased contingency of 10%, bringing the total contingency amount to $220,996.52. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to sign all documents. Pricing remains based on Allsteel’s OMNIA Partners contract #R191802.
The request for a 10% contingency is consistent with industry best practices for projects of this scale and complexity. It will provide an additional safeguard, allowing the project to proceed smoothly without unexpected delays due to funding shortages. The City remains committed to prudent fiscal management while ensuring the success of this critical project. The increase in the contingency amount is a proactive measure to secure the investment made in the City’s infrastructure, thereby enhancing service delivery, safety, and accessibility. The original contract with Parron Hall, which was competitively solicited through OMNIA Partners, remains in effect. OMNIA Partners ensures compliance and delivers maximum value, thereby streamlining the purchasing process for local governments like ours.
| CC 19. | Rawley Duntley Park Improvements
1. Award the contract for purchasing and installing playground equipment and flooring and renovation of Basketball Court at Rawley Duntley Park to Playcore Wisconsin, Inc dba as GameTime c/o Great Western Recreation in an amount not to exceed $943,192.05, plus a 10% contingency utilizing the OMNIA Partners Public Sector Contract process.
2. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute all contracts and associated documents, subject to City Attorney approval.
The playground equipment and basketball courts at Rawley Duntley Park require replacement. The playground is at the end of its life cycle, and replacement parts are difficult to find. The basketball court surfacing is cracking and deteriorating. The project to replace and renovate these assets is essential to improving the recreational opportunities for residents of our community. The updated playground and basketball courts will provide a place for residents of all ages to play and exercise.